
Zendo for the HeartMind

Mansions in our minds

Coming from someone who is really struggling with an EMI, this might sound like “Sour Grapes”. So be it. Because thoughts like Wealth stagnate, if it is allowed to remain in the same place. ( Infact Currere the root word for Currency means “To Flow”, even though many just build dams around it .). Then Antilla is seems to be an island, where even self righetious angels like Arnab Goswami and Suhel Sheth fear to tread. Not sure , whehter they are eagerly waiiting to know , the list of 211. There have been reports around the world about the “edifice for the ego”, vulgar display of wealth etc. Don’t want to take that beaten path of right and wrong. I am not sure, what right one has to comment, even if the the Owners of that place (@ the end of many dozens of holding compnies!), chose to heat the water in their jacuzzi by burning sacks newly printed Rs. 1000 notes. ( As long as one earns it the right way. Forget about cases like hiding Caller Line Identification etc.) A 2 billion dollar home is one of the way to make / be in the news. Another way is to let the world know that “we wash our own bathrooms” or “ We don’t employ maids” inspite of being billionaires. That is another extreme (Especially in contrast to the scene, when a family of 5 or 6 needs to depend on some 600 odd workforce for daily survival) . It is just relative. Even if the change in direction is some 180 degrees. No wonder Sarojini Naidu commented on Bapu “ it takes a lot of money to keep Gandhi a poor man. “ And I add, it takes a lot of Wealth to keep a Wealthy man really wealthy in World’s eyes.

Then this is not about mansions on Earth. And it will be unjust to castigate just 2 in a billion of janata, who carry the same baggage. Most of us seems to be in a hurry of “Arriving” on the scene and if already arrived “ Announcing it to the World” in our own ways. Maybe for many, our own soul or core being is seen as the hurdle. The reason for the slip between cup and lip. In this pursuit of Becoming, probably the Being is being left behind @ the starting line itself. And the folks who truly arrive with their mansions, probably do it with injured souls and bloated egos. In all probability, they may continue their pursuit for more success and better happiness, the moment their own fellow brothers build a bigger mansion.
 Or  we can  start all over by demolishing the need for them in our own minds. Who knows, true happiness may ensue  just ahead of  startling line.

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Vishy Sankara is a Coach for second innings of life and career. Student of Zen & Life for Life . Co-creating compassionate business organisations & communities. Pls write to vishy.sankara@mindzendo.com with your comments and feedback.