
Zendo for the HeartMind

Forgetting your eye and remembering ‘the WAY’…

Forgetting your eye and remembering ‘the WAY’…

Sheik “Al Kabeer” Iyer sincere samaritan, ace Tennis player and my friend, got hit on one of his eyes quite badly, during a drab doubles game on a chilly winter night .

True to his being as the ‘ Arabic’ Iyer , he returned to the court, as if nothing has happened, after a stroll outside to calm down his hurt ego. When asked by Kumar, our common friend, whether he can see, pat came the reply. “Yes, but through a colored film on one eye”. Hearing this, Sriram the “Intel inside” Tranquil and our no-nonsense leader of the pack directed us to take him to a Doctor. We took him to Nethradhamma on Kanakapura Road where Kumar’s neighbor is practicing. The good Doctor was waiting for our “one eyed” Sheik even though it was time for her to wind up. She was quite gracious at the fag end of a long day of work and took her own time for a thorough examination without hurrying. There was a sigh of relief, when she announced the good news. No major damage. Prescribed some medicine and Rest to the Restless Soul of Sheik so that his Body system can repair the damage. Seeing his eagerness to get back to tennis court, Doctor stressed the need to ensure no further damage to the eye during recovery.

It is altogether a different matter that, Sheik Iyer had probably the fastest recovery from an eye injury and was back @ the Tennis court in no time with an improved eye sight and faster reflexes .

A few weeks later I happened to come across the following lines in one of the commentaries on “Tao Te Ching”.

“You forget your feet when your shoes are comfortable and only remember it when shoes pinch.

Similarly you forget about the right and wrong when your conscience is clear. You remember it only when conscience is troubled. “

Human traits are quite fascinating. You forget that with which you are in harmony. You remember only that which you are out of harmony.

In my humble view, this is a good litmus test.

When a politician is on a patriotic zeal chances are some “unpatriotic deed” is troubling him. When a religious preacher preaches on celibacy, in all probability he does not see consider himself as an audience for such an advice.

As Tao Te ching says

“If you are truly following the way you forget about it; you only remember the way when you have strayed from it.”

tWisT: There is another good quote from Tao (maybe meant for yours truly!)

“Those who know don’t talk and those who talk don’t know”

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About Me

Vishy Sankara is a Coach for second innings of life and career. Student of Zen & Life for Life . Co-creating compassionate business organisations & communities. Pls write to vishy.sankara@mindzendo.com with your comments and feedback.