
Zendo for the HeartMind

Man , Machine and Search for Meaning..

Man ,  Machine and Search for Meaning..

Even though  my face  time with MD Pai  was just for an hour or so  some  6 years back ( I did meet him for a few seconds during a function @ IIMB much later), he  is  one of those  who  left an indelible  mark in my psyche and  life.  Don’t get me wrong. I am  not one of those star gazing , name dropping type who was looking for  5 minute of fame  under the Sun. Also many who had worked/Still work in that organization  would vouch for the fact  that  one of the mails  that they  least look forward to  is ( “is”  till June 2011 J )  a meeting invite from the  reigning (now
dethroned!)  Tsar.

In spite  of many   colorful and captivating  legendary stories  about his deeds and notorious temper,  I did not have much of trepidation (maybe due to the Communist chromosome in my DNA), as  I walked  to meet him and his team thru the squeaky clean floors  and corridors. (Btw it is
one company which ensures   the success of   a Reckit Benkiser or P & G in India.  A naïve visitor may  even wonder, whether they have OCD like Lady Macbeth!).

His physical presence is quite intmidating, even with that half- friendly smile.  Almost built like a wrestler, his unkempt beard, scars around his eyes and baritone voice adds to the effect.

Contrary to expectations , he gave the impression of  an absolutley honest and straight talking human being.  One who preaches very little, but does practice what he preaches. (Unlike many
others who remain perfect paper idealists.).  I did feel that  the chosen/entrusted  mandate  of “Taking care  of his organization”  did  take precedence  over his own  world views and values.  And it was not that easy   to verbally spar with someone  with that  kind of razor sharp intelligence and  crystal clear articulation. Even though there was an amount of ruthlessness  like  Gary Kasparov ( especially  when playing mindgames  against some one as gentle as  Viswanathan Anand),  in a sense he did show signs of an compassionate and fair side, especially  when he shared  his own  career experience  in his previous  organization and how it had shaped  his own career.

Many  Infoscions, did share  with me that  he was quite instrumental  along with Phaneesh Murthy  in the success of   that iconic organization, and  he  was always looked upon as  a Future CEO of Infosys.  Especially his own success stories on the business side of having led Infosys BPO, financial
wizardry (hails from South Canara) as CFO and the director  with widest span of responsibility) added to that myth.  So it was bit surprising  for many to learn about  Pai’s  resignation.

But what really stuck to my heart  was  his own statements   in those endless  interviews  he gave to those teeming   journalists after the  announcement.  He said and I quote “I feel liberated”, “I feel free” and “Life is all about tomorrow. You know I am a Bangalore guy, but I have not had lunch at a restaurant in the city in the past 17 years. I want to spend a lot of time with my wife, kids and friends. I want to catch up on my reading. My wife has bought me a houseful of books. Also, I want to
destress and tame my temper.”

It left one wondering   whether he was truly enjoying his stint.  Or whether it was just an
adrenalin pumping and teeth gritting kind of forced motivation born out of ambition to prove a point. It also raises an important question, even conceding the point that earning a living, contributing to the society and organization, leaving a legacy etc are worthy pursuits, does it have to be @ the cost of everything else.

Does life have to be single spoked wheel?  Is it a wrong notion in our circles that Life has to be single dimensional.

Did not Gandhi take time out to listen to a M. S. Subbalakshmi keerthan, even when he was racing against time to get India independence?  How many know that Einstien was a gifted violinist and Richard Feynman learned to paint and play drums?  Ratan Tata enjoys flying planes and sketching? And a Jack Welch truly worried about his Golf scores and diligently worked on it?  Did they had a
lesser contribution to the society and their chosen fields  compared to others?

It would be interesting  to read a story about one of the successful Generals  Indian Army  ever had,  “So innovative was his operational planning and so meticulous its execution that Lt-Gen J.S. Aurora did not forsake his daily round of golf even once during the 12-day battle to “liberate” East Pakistan, which emerged as Bangladesh in 1971. As India’s Eastern Army commander tasked with evicting the tyrannical Pakistani military from East Pakistan, the Sikh soldier even played a relaxed 18-hole round inside his Fort William headquarters at Calcutta, before leaving for Dacca to accept the surrender of Lt-Gen A.A.K. Niazi and 93,000 soldiers.”

These are all pointes to the fact, there are many good examples  of great souls   who did excel  in their chosen field, without  depriving  themselves  the  good moments  life offered them moment
to moment.  One common denominator  in all of them  is  a multi dimensional approah to life. A single minded focus on any goal, even if the goal is enligtenment, being a  Prime Minister or  even a CEO, oblivious to other finer aspects of this wonderful life, may not  necessarily be a better choice.  Considering a finished painting as a metaphor for one’s life,  if one stops insisting on  being the sole creator  of the painting and let   life paint a few brushstrokes, then  we may have a master piece.  That happens only when one accepts the Truth  that Life is what happens to  you
here and now.   “Life is not necessarily what happens tomorrow” as he seems to believe.

Because tomorrow never comes.

End note:  The non-aspiring  Taoist non-writer earns his living  working for IT industry.

“The Way I See that”  is absolutely  his personal perception (or lack of IT) and relatively nothing official.
about IT.

2 responses to “Man , Machine and Search for Meaning..”

  1. nice to read your thoughts. keep writing!


  2. nice to read your thoughts. keep writing!


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About Me

Vishy Sankara is a Coach for second innings of life and career. Student of Zen & Life for Life . Co-creating compassionate business organisations & communities. Pls write to vishy.sankara@mindzendo.com with your comments and feedback.