
Zendo for the HeartMind

Bools i look forward to read again…

Books I look forward to read again….
I was born with wonderful gifts of severe childhood asthma and
a mild strain of polio.  Once in  a while my mom tells me that how I was not
able to walk like other kids when I was just 2 years old, and how they had to
take me a famous Pediatrician in Coimbatore
to cure my inability to walk. I kept falling down as a 2 year old, it
seems.  While I was able to stand up on
my feet and walk quite well after the treatment by Dr. Manonmani, still running
and playing like other children was big arduous task for me. Childhood asthma
can cause bothersome daily symptoms that interfere with play, sports, school
and sleep. I did attempt quite valiantly to be part of all the
games that went around my home. Probably my underdeveloped lungs did not
cooperate as it should have. Other kids and my own brother were less forgiving
and accommodating.
 That quite explains,
my love for books and how they became my best friends. In those days , we did
not have even electricity in my village, leave alone a TV.  Though I was confined physically within 4
walls, those books gave me wings of freedom to my mind.
My own father, first Sankara in my life, (EMS and Adi
Sankara being the other 2!), was quite well read, though he was just a
matriculate. Even though  his income was
quite meager, he did try to inculcate a reading habit in his kids.  Ours was just one of the very few households
in the village, who is to get magazines. (Mathrubhumi Weekly and other kids
magazines.).  Then he made my brother a
member of Sahrudaya Library in Mannarghat.
And most of my fights with my brother were over the choice of
books.  The librarian (I still remember her
face though I have forgotten her name) used to allow only one of house to go
inside and select books.
 I did not have a
chance to think about my reading. I just used to read. The first time someone
asked me about my favorite books was by Murali, who was interviewing me and
Thara, my spouse when we applied to Valley School for our son, Manas. Without a
moment of hesitation I told him, it is “Kazakinte Ithihasam by O V Vijayan.”.  After that Dr. Satish Inamdar, who is the
Director  of Valley School and a Trustee
of  KFI, kept telling me that it is high
time I stop reading books.  He is one
person, whom I look forward to meet for his insightful and interesting
perspectives.  I understood his advice as
start reading  and understanding myself.  Over the last few years, I do that. And it
has changed me and my life quite dramatically. But I have not stopped reading
books yet.
This particular blog, if I may call so, is triggered by my
good friend, Ashu.  We were part of  another 10 -12 folks who were attending
a  Coaching workshop by Ram.  She herself had penned a wonderful book and it
took me a bit by surprise,  when she
asked me for  my reading list.
I have read a bit in my life though I don’t qualify the
label of a scholar leave alone one that of a bibliophile.   I thought rather than listing down all the
books I have read, it will be a good idea for me to list down the books I am
looking forward to read again. .  Some of
the books I  have a  read more than 2 times. 
As I started typing the names, it did come as torrent. There
were a few best sellers, though I considered it as quite good, my heart did not
want a reread. So it is off my list too.  May be it is easier to be part of NYT bestseller
list than to pass the test of my own heart.
Most wonderfully, as I was writing about the books, those
words, sentences and characters came alive in mind.  I have forgotten almost all the lessons I have
learnt in my classrooms.  Maybe my memory
is limited and all of it is earmarked for those wonderful books.
 I wanted to pen a few
more lines on  many of the books.  Then I though it is better to read than write..  So here we go.    Thanks Ashu.
Happy reading and Stay blessed.
1.       Legend of Kazak –
O V Vijayan. 
(He deserved a Nobel prize for
Literature than M.K Gandhi for Peace!.)
2.       The Prophet – Khalil
Gibran (
This is one book
more spiritual than many of the scriptures. Only an enlightened one can write
those lines.)
3.       Siddhartha –
Herman Hesse (
Classic. I
carried it with me when I went to visit, Gopalakrishnan, who was my father’s
uncle and my teacher and mentor, when he was in his deathbed. He asked me the
name of the book and asked me to read a paragraph. I read him from one of the
last pages, where Vasudeva speaks to
Sidhartha before he passes away.  After
a few minutes, he was sleeping and I came out of the smelly hospital room.  He passed away after  a few days later. And  I never went for his funeral.  I wanted to retain my last memory  of him as it is.)
4.       The Music of
Light- Extraordinary story of  Hikari and
Kenzaburo Oe  (
I borrowed this from my client in USA.
Though I could read it only once,  the
essence of  Hikari Oe stayed with me forever  like his music.)
5.       Yayati  V S Khandekar ( one of the best novel written based
upon myths)
6.       Gurusagaram O V
Vijayan (Again quite a spiritual book. Next two novels also can be termed as
spiritual novels. I think it is just incidental that Radhakrishanan was a
7.       Of Leopards and  Silvery Stars
by  C Radhakrishnan
8.       Bhujangayyana
Dashavatharagalu  by Srikrishna
9.       Tao Te Ching  and Iching
( I keep reading
them from my ipad, every day.)
10.    Zen and art of
motor cycle maintenance – Robert Pirsig 
( It took me the second reading for me
to get a grasp of it. )
11.     Zen and art of
archery-  Eugen Herrigel
( the best and short book on Zen. I
wonder why it did not outsell the Pirsig book)
12.    Man’s search for
Meaning – Viktor Frankl 
( I got it just before I travelled
to  Germany for the first time some 15
years back. The first part

I have  read a few times. And the second
part about Logotherapy I chose to skip for reasons not known.)
13.    Adventures
of  a bystander –  Peter Drucker. (
The best management book, imhv!)
14.     The Tibetan book
of the dead – (
Which I read
after my father’s demise on the advise of
Brij Sethi, my friend and mentor.)
15.     Old Path White
clouds – Thich nhat hanh –( 
I bought this from Strand, Mumbai fort
after a 10 day Vipassana Session in Global Pagoda.  As I travelled to Pune by evening train of
Deccan Queen, I started reading it.  It
was magical.)
16.     My Experiments
with Truth – M K Gandhi
( I like the audio versioin of Excerpts – Shekar Kapur and Nandita Das with
17.    The Flight of the
Eagle –  K
18.    The light in
oneself – K
19.     Freedom from the known – K
20.     Commentaries on Living – K
21.     Krishnamurthi Note book
22.    Mind is a myth –
23.    Thought is your
enemy – U G Krishnamurti
24.    The Way of Zen –
Alan Watts
25.     The way of Tao – Alan Watts
26.    Zen Mind ,
Beginners Mind
27.    The Book of Five
Rings – Miyamoto Musahi
28.    The Tao of
Physics – Capra
29.    Light within us –
30.    Meditations –
31.    The Soul of Rumi
32.    Language in
thought and action – Hayakawa
33.    A personal matter
–  Kenzaburo Oe
34.    Eknath Easwaran
books – Climbing the blue mountain and
many others
35.    The Cry of
36.    Christian the lion
who lived in my living room
37.    The Mind game –
Adam Smith  (George Goodman)
38.    The Money Game –
Adam Smith (George Goodman)
39.    Arabian Sands –
Wilfred Thesiger
40.    My Pride and Joy –
George Adamson
41.    Born Free- Joy
42.    Elephant Whisperer-
Lawrence Anthony
43.    Mondi Christo –
44.    Gone with the
wind – Margaret Mitchel
45.    Frogs into
Princes – Richard Bandler and John Grinder
46.    Monsters and
Magical sticks, there is nothing called hypnosis – Steven Heller
47.    How to argue and
win every time – Gerry Spence
48.    Flow –
49.    Alchemist – Paul Coelho
50.    Golf in the
Kingdom – Michael Murphy
51.    Sacred Hoops
–  Phil Jackson
52.    The Hero of a
thousand faces – Joseph Campbell
53.    The Power of Myth
– Joseph Campbell
54.    Richard Feynman
books – Surely You are joking, Mr. Feynman
55.    Mind with a heart
–  Dr. Richard Mchugh
56.    Tao of Jeet Kune
Do – Bruce Lee
57.    A bridge across
forever – Richard Bach
58.    Jonathan Livingston
Seagull – Richard Bach
59.    Kamala Das –  Balyakala smarangal,
60.    Kamala Das- Neermathalam
pootha kalam. ( Her childhood memoirs in Malayalam. )
61.    On Becoming a
person – Carl Rogers
62.    Avadhuta Gita
63.    Ashtavkara gita –
I like the one by  Osho than  the short translation of  Bart Marshal.
64.    Osho’s book
on  Budha and  Ashtravkra Gita
65.    Many books
of  Sherlek  Holmes, Hercule Poirot, P G Wodehouse .
66.    Into thin air –
Jon Krakauner
67.    Anatomy of an
illness –  Norman Cousins
68.    Ithihyamala –
Kottrathil Sankunni (This is one of the books I and my brother kept
reading  in our childhood.)
69.    Arabian Nights  – And this is the other one.
70.    Memories of a
Father- Prof. Echarawarrier
71.    Presence –  Just the passage where Otto Schramer
describes the destruction of his ancestoral home.
72.    Shifting sands –
A guidebook for crossing the deserts of change – Steve Donahue. 
73.    Chiriku Pinnil –
74.    Kadamanitta
KAvithakal –  Kadamanitta
75.    No Boundaries –
Ken Wilber


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About Me

Vishy Sankara is a Coach for second innings of life and career. Student of Zen & Life for Life . Co-creating compassionate business organisations & communities. Pls write to vishy.sankara@mindzendo.com with your comments and feedback.