
Zendo for the HeartMind

Waves of unexplainable kind…


“The historic detection of gravitational waves will open up new frontier for understanding of universe,” the PM said, and that set me thinking.  These “waves”  may be really something of exceptional kind that could impart a  leap of  faith on someone who was quoting  from  bad Batra science not long ago.  As in a time machine, it could enable him to cross the chasm of times where people could  transplant even  elephant heads to the new frontier of understanding the universe, in no time.

I started earnestly  on my own mission  to understand what is the fuss about  these new kind of  old waves so that i dont appear quite dumb in  social conversations. Even after  going thru many articles and you tube videos,  was  still left wondering about the space-time continuum. As i was getting a bit disheartened , there came a soothing balm  which read  “Only  less than 5 -6 people in this world who really understand  Einstein’s  theories of  Relativity and Gravitational waves”.  That shifted  my  area of interest (AOI) from  mere waves to the one who  started it all.

As some one who figures so prominently in every list of significant persons who walked on this earth, without any doubt, he would have been an exceptional human being. What else one can say to describe about someone who could really  unearth a few secrets of this universe, just by using 1230 gm of  grey matter cells in the laboratory we call as Brain without access to any  sophisticated measuring instruments or high powered computing systems. It is said average weight of  a human brain is  1400 gm and most of us  really struggle to make sense of smaller round of the mill stuff. It took rest of the mankind more than 100 years of effort to catch up with that  “Beautiful  Mind”, to build technical prowess to  test his theorems.  Even then, he would have been considered by critics as a  mere mortal scientist had he left this arena with just those scientific theorems and discoveries. But he went to cast a  spell on political and philosophical spheres and left a rich legacy of wonderful  writing. Many of his quotes and insights are as poetical as  Khalil Gibran’s writing.

When such  a  mind, which ran experiments to learn universal truths,  pens ” Generations to come, it may well be, will scarce believe that such a man as this one ever in flesh and blood walked upon this Earth.”,  what else one could write more about the recipient of  that birthday wish , who focussed his own experiments in search of  TRUTH.

As i sat, on the small verandha of  Hruday Kunj of Sabarmati Ashram where  Gandhis lived for 12 long years in  earlier part of 20th century, watching  rays of  saffron coloured sun  struggling to dispel the darkness; my mind was quite numb with the over whelming legacy of the Man. It wasn’t about  how  he played a significant part in getting my nation state  India its freedom. In my view, what mattered most was, how an ordinary man born in some remote part of the  country, who had faced enormous challenges and fear of his mind, could transform himself into another stratosphere of state of being. By his own life he could show  a path, a noble one, to many others such as  Martin Luther King , Nelson Mandela and Aung San Suu Kyi. His ideas and ways were like  gentle water droplets, which could even take on might hard rocks. Much  before,  Bruce Lee that spiritual artist urged his students to be like water,  here was a man who transformed  his  countrymen  to be  tiny droplets of  pure intention, which could rock the  British fort. As  many people started streaming in for the program, their foot steps  got me out my own reverie. I remembered the arguments of couple of  corporate honchos, who were feverishly arguing , why  Godse was a nationalist.  It was another matter, they were lucky to have born in a free country, because of the man who took those bullets with kindness than hatred.
Thats when i realised  Einstein  was bang on target with not only about those wonderful theorems, but his prediction that future generations will scarcely believe such a man as Gandhi walked on this earth. Sadly for many of us and unfortunately for this nation,  it happened so soon.


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About Me

Vishy Sankara is a Coach for second innings of life and career. Student of Zen & Life for Life . Co-creating compassionate business organisations & communities. Pls write to vishy.sankara@mindzendo.com with your comments and feedback.