
Zendo for the HeartMind

When man proposes and virus disposes…

When man proposes and virus disposes…
“Only emergency travel requests “, said HR advisory of the organisation i work for. That advisory was before Govt. stopped all types of interstate transport, except those of the poor migrants on foot. So it meant for me, more and more working from home, as such i work from home most of the time. We don’t have an office in Bangalore and I travel most for my field visits and workshops for stakeholders.
My neighbour , who earns his livelihood from an Indian IT MNC, told me he too is working from home. I had worked for that company not long back. Interestingly , one of the key projects/study i was involved during my time there, was how to enable workforce to work from remote. REMOTE, that is the technical term companies use to denote work from home. Considering the real estate cost in Bangalore and the time wasted on commuting, that project had a sound logical and rational basis. Our team did make good progress in the technical solution and risk analysis etc. Then Tsunami hit in the boardroom, and the CEOs had to move on. The next anointed one, who had a nickname as Terminator, did “stop” our project in no time. As a junior employee, I wasn’t privy to his review meeting. But one of those who attended that meeting told me that he was contemptuous towards the idea of working from home. Even that org seems to have turned full circle.
Wonder what has changed there! Or should one wonder what has not changed in our life. This pandemic has stripped off our masks and have exposed us to the reality.
Frank Snowden, the Yale historian who wrote “Epidemics and Society,” argues that pandemics hold up a mirror to society and force us to ask basic questions: What is possible imminent death trying to tell us? Where is God in all this? What’s our responsibility to one another?… Pandemics induce a feeling of enervating fatalism. People realize how little they control their lives.

This Corona Pandemic , forced to sit at our own home and think about what is really important for us, what is essential for living, what are our wants which we are ready to forego and what we are holding on to. Hope it will force us to change our way of living for the good.

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About Me

Vishy Sankara is a Coach for second innings of life and career. Student of Zen & Life for Life . Co-creating compassionate business organisations & communities. Pls write to vishy.sankara@mindzendo.com with your comments and feedback.