
Zendo for the HeartMind

  • Language in thoughtless Inaction:

    Language  in thoughtless Inaction: Eversince  I had attended  a month long NLP course  @ the feet  of venerable NLP  Guru ,  Jesuit Priest and Indo American ( IMV he is more Indian than many who are born, bred and brought up here)  Dr. Richard Mchugh,   I  was interested in language constructs. My good friend  and trainer   Daniel… Continue reading

  • Every Saint has a "Corrput" past and every sinner an "honest " Future

    Every  Saint has a “corrupt” past  and  Every Sinner an  “honest”  future… It is easy  to miss a forest  for trees, when you are in the forest. Distance brings in clarity.  I was resisting  the temptation to  write in my  blog about the  recent specatcle  of “ War against corruption”. So when a colleague   of mine asked for my view, I… Continue reading

  • Man , Machine and Search for Meaning..

    Man ,  Machine and Search for Meaning.. Even though  my face  time with MD Pai  was just for an hour or so  some  6 years back ( I did meet him for a few seconds during a function @ IIMB much later), he  is  one of those  who  left an indelible  mark in my psyche and  life.  Don’t get me wrong. I… Continue reading

  • Classic ends — immortal stories about mortal deaths.

    Classic ends — immortal stories about mortal deaths. The most clichéd and boring statement I have heard during my times @ Toastmasters was “Public speaking is the most feared thing among the public, far above the fear of death or disease. “. I really don’t know the basis of that statement. Probably most of the… Continue reading

  • Forgetting your eye and remembering ‘the WAY’…

    Forgetting your eye and remembering ‘the WAY’… Sheik “Al Kabeer” Iyer sincere samaritan, ace Tennis player and my friend, got hit on one of his eyes quite badly, during a drab doubles game on a chilly winter night . True to his being as the ‘ Arabic’ Iyer , he returned to the court, as… Continue reading

  • Please Go Swamy.

    I was always wary of blatantly self righteous people. Still I am. Especially those with that ‘holier than thou” attitude, who always covers themselves in the pristine purity of white and notice only the darkest of black spots in others. This is about the nauseating feeling one gets, looking at the smirks in the faces… Continue reading

  • Mansions in our minds

    Coming from someone who is really struggling with an EMI, this might sound like “Sour Grapes”. So be it. Because thoughts like Wealth stagnate, if it is allowed to remain in the same place. ( Infact Currere the root word for Currency means “To Flow”, even though many just build dams around it .). Then… Continue reading

  • Spirit of the Survivor.

    When I was young, one of my favorite authors was Jack London, who wrote in the background of Yukon/ Klondike Gold Rush. The adventurous stories of those “colorful” characters, who survived the most hostile environments and trying circumstances , in Jack London’s unique stand out prose , are still etched in my memory. It is… Continue reading

  • Dutching Synergy Tiki Taka way…..

    Dutching Synergy Tiki Taka way….. I started drafting this post in my mind, while watching the Holland – Uruguay world cup match. During the last phase, Dutch star Arjen Robben was substituted and the camaraderie shown by the Holland bench was quite striking, especially if you are aware of their history. Holland as a nation,… Continue reading

  • Cultural Cornerkicks thru Vuvuzela

    It is said that one hour on the playing field reveals character of a person, that all the psychometric tests can’t over a long period of time.. The same can be said about Culture of nations as well, since in my view Culture is nothing but collective character. This is an attempt to make sense… Continue reading

  • 2 dis-appointments and a funeral…

    2 dis-appointments and a funeral… No prizes for guessing. It does rhyme with the movie title 4 weddings and a funeral. One of my favorites. Especially the scene @ the funeral when Auden’s famous poem is recited. “Stop all the clocks…”. After my own father’s death 3 years back, I generally tend to avoid funerals.… Continue reading

  • Manu, Prince Aslan and the World of Narnia

    Manu, Prince Aslan and the World of Narnia.. Was trying to watch one of those meaningless Chinese martial art movies over the weekend. Switched off when I had realized I was missing Manu’s presence. Manu was in Mysore for his well earned vacation after all the “Hard work  “, he had put in @… Continue reading

  • In "Out of Office Replies".

    In- Out Hamza was quite a famous character in our village / town, the hero or villain of many a legends. In Kerala, it is really difficult to distinguish where a small town ends and where a village starts. As with legends, it is also difficult to distinguish rice from the chaff. One thing I… Continue reading

  • Surreal Tunes..

    Surreal tunes ….. Ever since I have moved into a Kanakapura road apartment complex named as Tranquil, an early morning walk thru Lalbagh and breakfast in one of the café’s around Jayanagar ( Maiyas is my favorite, even though we choose it quite democratically!) On Saturday mornings with 3 of my friends had become one… Continue reading

  • Transformations

    “It is the very flexibility of relationships that makes it possible to transform unpleasant interactions into tolerable, even exciting ones. How we define and interpret a social situation makes a great difference to how people will treat one another, and to how they will feel while doing it. For instance, when our son, Mark was… Continue reading

  • Freedom from Conditioning or Free- Doom ?

    “One morning an irrestible force propelled MIT Professor Marvin Minsky to one corner of his class room and pinned him there as securely as a butterfly impaled in a museum showcase. It was force of habit – a brand new habit imposed upon him on the spot by a group of playfully experimental students. The… Continue reading

About Me

Vishy Sankara is a Coach for second innings of life and career. Student of Zen & Life for Life . Co-creating compassionate business organisations & communities. Pls write to vishy.sankara@mindzendo.com with your comments and feedback.