
Zendo for the HeartMind

  • If you had only one hour to live, what would you do ?

    That is not a great question of any relevance at all, unlike 👎 the importance it is given to by many eminent philosophers and successful people . U got to do every moment , what you got to do regardless whether it is known to you , you are going to live for a moment… Continue reading

  • What is your favorite season of year? Why? I am 53 years old now , have lived a big % of my life. At last kind of learnt a it about life and how to make every moment more meaningful and worthwhile. As the old sayings goes , we all have two lives and the… Continue reading

  • What does “having it all” mean to you? Is it attainable? It got to start from, what does one mean by “ All” ! Because some of the things life and this world offer are mutually exclusive. Continue reading

  • Spirit of the survivor….

    As someone who stayed in a village quite close to Silent valley, I knew many people personally who would venture into deep forests to collect honey, graze their cattle , or collect other forest produces for a living. There wasn’t any dearth of exaggerated (a bit!) but fascinating accounts of pythons and wild elephants during… Continue reading

  • Koan: Holding the Sky …

    There are many koans related to sky. Maybe this is an addition to that long list. How does this wooden pillar at Bodhizendo holds the sky from falling down??? Continue reading

  • Jackie Mu @ Little flower Zendo

    Jackie Mu, is the zendog at Little Flower Zendo, Perumalmalai. Joshu’s dog and Mu ( Whether Dog has Buddha nature) is the most important koan in Zen. Jackie Mu , is very compassionate doggie. And very wise too . In this Zendo with so many rooms and people , she knows which door to knock… Continue reading

  • Awareness….

    A long time back some one had written about, about my spiritual progress in 2023 , much better than i ever will be able to pen. So here it is. From Anthony De Mello book Awareness. “You will make great discoveries. These discoveries will change you. You wont have to make the slightest effort, believe… Continue reading

  • My fav Cartoon !

    What’s your favourite cartoon? Asterix … I would have said Obelix. That was my nick name during college days. 🙂 Continue reading

  • Man, Machine and Search of Meaning…

    Even though my  face  time with MD Pai  was just  for couple of  hours ( a 30 min scheduled meeting which lasted some 135 minutes!!) or for a small duration   some  6 years back ( I did meet him for a few minutes during a book publishing function @ IIMB much later),  he  is … Continue reading

  • Whatever you do will not do ! What you will do then ????

    Ten Ox herding pictures are a series of pictures with accompanied poems to depict the progress of a Zen practitioner. In the original one the Enlightened practitioner goes to a  market place where they sell arrack and fish.  Ordinary mortals like me , the unenlightenable ones, goes to have a good filter coffee.  There is… Continue reading

  • Do you Meditate ??

    “Do you meditate? How long? What difference it makes to you? As of now, I find it difficult to meditate in the conventional way. ” –  MS I do. Meditate.  And for the last 241 days  i did that without a break.  Woke up well before 430 am on every single day and did meditate.… Continue reading

  • Shivaswamy Naik…

    Shivaswamy  comes to Sobha Hillview twice a week to sell his greens.  Wrong to say “Sell”, because he doesn’t sell it.  He is a very fair and honest fella.  We all wait for him to arrive and in no time, he drives back his empty vehicle back home. During Sivaratri week  he was absent for… Continue reading

  • When man proposes and virus disposes…

    When man proposes and virus disposes… “Only emergency travel requests “, said HR advisory of the organisation i work for. That advisory was before Govt. stopped all types of interstate transport, except those of the poor migrants on foot. So it meant for me, more and more working from home, as such i work from… Continue reading

  • Waves of unexplainable kind…

      “The historic detection of gravitational waves will open up new frontier for understanding of universe,” the PM said, and that set me thinking.  These “waves”  may be really something of exceptional kind that could impart a  leap of  faith on someone who was quoting  from  bad Batra science not long ago.  As in a… Continue reading

  • Waves of  unexplainable kind. “The historic detection of gravitational waves will open up new frontier for understanding of universe,” the PM said, and that set me thinking.  These “waves”  may be really something of exceptional kind that could impart a  leap of  faith on someone who was quoting  from  bad Batra science not long ago.… Continue reading

  • Bools i look forward to read again…

    Books I look forward to read again…. I was born with wonderful gifts of severe childhood asthma and a mild strain of polio.  Once in  a while my mom tells me that how I was not able to walk like other kids when I was just 2 years old, and how they had to take… Continue reading

  • Win at any cost is a big lose.

    Win at any Cost is a Big Lose.. It will be an understatement to say the place   place I was born and brought up is football crazy.  Along with Goa and Bengal, you find fascination for soccer is in the blood of many Keralites.  My own memory of World cup soccer starts from the grainy… Continue reading

  • Books i look forward to read again…

        I was born with wonderful gifts of severe childhood asthma and a mild strain of polio. Once in  a while my mom tells me that how I was not able to walk like other kids when I was just 2 years old, and how they had to take me a famous Pediatrician in… Continue reading

  •   (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i[‘GoogleAnalyticsObject’]=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){   (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),   m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m)   })(window,document,’script’,’//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js’,’ga’);   ga(‘create’, ‘UA-6582271-2’, ‘auto’);   ga(‘send’, ‘pageview’); Books I look forward to read again…. I was born with wonderful gifts of severe childhood asthma and a mild strain of polio.   Once in  a while my mom tells me that how I was not able to… Continue reading

  • The real beginning..

    The real beginning. Yesterday   was at Wilson Garden crematorium along with a few friends from Tranquil, our semi-closed gated community.  I did not know the dead person that well. Might have exchanged a few words in the last 4 years.  But he did have a dignified presence in most of the tranquilite’s life like that… Continue reading

  • Death, desert and dessert

    Death, desert and dessert. It has been some 6 years. Musings seems to have lost that melancholic tint. Most probably time still is the best antibiotic on memories.  Even my mother’s voice was less of tears this time and mostly tinged in matter of fact recollection.  And partly orchestrated and rest coincidental, I found myself… Continue reading

  • Forceless Force …

    This note which  was  posted exactly 3 years back( 26 Oct 2009), came up in my memory  while reading a news report on Mallya’s arrival  on a private jet for  F1 race in India to lead and cheer his F1 team. Time moves .. context may change.. Many things get better.. like  the title of the… Continue reading

  • Whisperers of Trust.

    Whisperers of   Trust. I was really looking to fill one of my empty weekends with some activity for Facebook showoff during my recent work related trip to South Africa.  As someone who had read a bit about  apartheid,  I asked  Terrence Ndaba  friend, driver and comrade-in-arm in Joburg, the way to the apartheid museum in… Continue reading

  • Practice of Best practices. Is it always the case of "Could have been better"???

    Don’t remember when I read it first. May be some 6 -7 years back.  But I do remember where I read it. From the pages of The Hindu. Especially the phrase!  “That was Best, could have been better.”  That wonderful article is still green in my memory. Maybe the gene I had inherited has a… Continue reading

About Me

Vishy Sankara is a Coach for second innings of life and career. Student of Zen & Life for Life . Co-creating compassionate business organisations & communities. Pls write to vishy.sankara@mindzendo.com with your comments and feedback.